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The site is edited by INFINGO
Association Law 1901
5, rue du Bourg Neuf - 45530 Sury aux Bois, France
Phone. +33 (0)6 13 08 17 52
SIRET 444 156 400 000 20
Entertainment entrepreneur license 2-143385


Publication Director
Paul Buisson


Coordination, design and realization of the site
Caroline Quatrehomme

Nathalie Bonneveau, translations



PO box 40190 San Francisco, CA United States


Intellectual property
The site is subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. Any reproduction, even partial, of an article is subject to the authorization of Infingo. The photographs and images on this site are protected by copyright. It is strictly forbidden to use them without the authorization of the holder of the rights to the photograph or image.


Terms of use
The information on this site is given for information only and is subject to change.


Collection of data

The site implements a processing of personal data for the purpose of ensuring communication and the exchange of information with Internet users.
This treatment allows:
• to subscribe to the newsletters
• to measure the audience of the site (Google analytics tool)

The data collected via the registration form for the Large Format newsletters is intended for the persons responsible for processing the newsletters. They are not subject to any communication, assignment or disclosure to third parties.

Infingo keeps personal data allowing the sending of newsletters for a period determined by the user. He can unsubscribe from the newsletters at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link on each of them or by sending a request to Regarding the retention of data collected by our audience measurement tool Google Analytics, we invite you to consult the privacy policy of Google Inc.

You have, in accordance with the law n ° 78-17 known as “computer science and Freedom” of January 6, 1978, a right of access, rectification, modification, opposition and deletion on the data concerning you.
You can demand this right by contacting us.


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By browsing the site, he accepts them.

A cookie is an element that does not identify the User but is used to record information relating to his browsing on the website. The User may deactivate this cookie via the parameters appearing in his navigation software.




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